Log-in/Password/General Troubleshooting Questions

Click “Forgot Password” and you’ll receive an email with a link to reset your password. You’ll need to use the same email address you used to create your profile.

Make sure that you’re using the same email address that you did when you created your account. If you can’t remember your password, use the “Forgot Password” feature. Remember that passwords are case sensitive.

To change the email address associated with your account, navigate to settings by clicking the dropdown next to your profile image and click “Change email.” This will trigger an email to the new email address you would like to use, which you will need to open and verify.

Please email CustomerService@AhabTalent.com with a complete description of the problem you are having.

Temporary passwords expire after seven days. If you try to log in with an expired temporary password we will automatically send you an email that includes a new temporary password. To manually start this process, you can click “Forgot Password” and enter your email address. Please check your spam folder if you do not see the temporary password email appear in your inbox.

When you attempt to sign in with an email that has not been verified, you will have the option to resend a verification email. Please check your spam folders if you don’t see the verification email come through to your inbox. Click the link provided in that email to verify your email address.

Please check your email spam filters and make sure to allow emails from noreply@ahabtalent.com.

To delete your profile, navigate to settings and click “Delete Account.” All of your details will be removed from the site.

This might be an issue with the way your computer is caching cookies from the site! Please try the following steps to restore access: 1. Click on the pad-lock in the URL bar on your computer 2. Select cookies 3. Select “ahabtalent”(NOT “account.ahabtalent.com”) 4. Click on “Remove” 5. Click on “Done” If you are using Internet Explorer please reach out to customerservice@ahabtalent.com for browser-specific instructions.

Click the “Report Abuse” link on our footer to email our Customer Service team immediately. Our Terms of Service can also be found in the footer.

No, you will need a unique email address for each Ahab account you create.

Talent Questions

Anyone over the age of 18 can create a profile. Narrators who have worked with us before and anyone who aspires to be a professional narrator should create an Ahab profile.

Yes, once you have created your account you can return to Ahab at any time to edit your personal information, add new samples, update your skills and achievements, or add a new headshot using the “Edit Profile” button on your profile.

Content Creators with Ahab accounts will use Ahab to search for and cast narrators, both new and established. Ahab is dedicated to helping increase actors’ visibility throughout the voiceover industry and in other industries that use voice talent.

Content Creators who have signed up for accounts with Ahab will be able to access your city, state, and/or country but not your email address or phone number. Content Creators can send messages, auditions, and offers without seeing your email address. Please keep in mind that they will be able to view your email address if you choose to email them directly.

You will be prompted to upload samples from your computer when creating your profile and will be required to fill in some basic information about the sample you are uploading. Samples must be MP3 or WAV files that are under 10MB. You will need to upload two samples in order for your profile to become visible to Content Creators. You have the ability to add samples from different voiceover categories, such as video games or animation. For all categories, you can select languages and accents featured. For audiobook samples, you will be able to provide the genre and point of view of your sample. We recommend uploading audiobook samples that are about 1 1/2 minutes long and demonstrate a specific vocal ability or genre. Slating and audiobook reels are discouraged. You will be able to change, remove, or update these samples at any time by using the “Edit Profile” functionality.

Please use descriptive language to name your samples. Feel free to specify point of view, genre, character age range, and any other relevant details in the sample name.

You can add up to five links to your profile under the “Professional Information” section. These links can be anything from a personal website to additional samples found online. These can be updated at any time.

Submit any performance featuring you reading a voiceover sample from any of the voiceover categories on our site. For audiobook samples, either narrative or a section containing dialogue will work. Choose material that is best suited to your voice and style.

You must upload at least two samples to become visible to Content Creators. There is no limit to how many samples you can upload, but we recommend that each sample demonstrate a different aspect of your voiceover capabilities.

Accents and other geographical inflections aren’t necessary, but feel free to share if you feel this showcases your skills. If you choose to submit a sample that contains dialogue, using distinct character voices will help Content Creators evaluate your skills.

Talent can now quickly and easily copy their profile’s URL and send it to Content Creators. On your profile, click the grey arrow next to the “Edit Profile” button to automatically copy your profile URL.

After you have filled in all required fields, you will be visible to Content Creators, be placed into our talent pool, and immediately be able to apply to public auditions. If a Content Creator determines he or she would like you to audition for a private project, you will receive an email from Ahab inviting you to submit a sample for consideration.

Yes! Simply go onto our Books on Tape site (http://www.booksontape.com/) and search for your name. When you click on any of your audiobooks, you’ll be taken to a page with a web sample where you’ll be able to click a downward arrow/download button to the right of that sample. Please note this website only includes PRH US titles.

Please make sure your browser is updated to the latest version or try a different browser. Do not navigate away from the page when a sample is still uploading. If you are still having trouble, please email CustomerService@AhabTalent.com.

Yes, you can reorder samples on your profile by navigating to the “Samples” page under “Edit Profile” and clicking “Reorder Samples.”

When Content Creators send you an offer, the email notification will go to your agent. Your agent will then be able to prompt you to log into your Ahab account to submit an audition sample. Offer details will be sent to your agent. Note that your agent does not need to have an Ahab account for this process to work, but we recommend that they set one up.

An email will be sent to the email address associated with your Ahab account. Please make sure emails from Ahab are not going to your spam folder so you don’t miss out on these requests and offers.

Yes! Agents are now able to sign up to Ahab. If your agent creates an account and lists you as a client, the two profiles will become linked as long as their email matches the one you provided for them on your profile.

You will show up on their account as a client and Content Creators will be able to access their agent profile from your Talent profile.

Agents have the ability to invite you to apply to open auditions and will receive offers for you if you have elected that communication go through them. However, if you have elected to have Ahab communication sent directly to you, your agent will not see your offer information on their account.

Due to privacy considerations, Talent can view only their individual profiles. If you would like to share your profile with another actor, we recommend taking a screenshot.

A public audition is open to submissions from anyone who has an Ahab profile. A private audition is open only to submissions from Talent whom Content Creators have specifically invited. Private auditions include a tag that says “Invited” in the top right corner.

When you save an audition, it will move to the “Saved” tab on your “Auditions” page. This will allow you easy access to an audition if you are not able to submit a sample immediately.

Information about auditions you have applied to appears in the “Applied” tab on your “Auditions” page. You can see the samples you have submitted for consideration by clicking on “My Submissions” in the general navigation bar. Once an audition has expired, the audition details and your audition sample will move from the “Active” tab of “My Submissions” to the “Finished” tab, where you will be able to view them.

This tab only shows auditions that are in progress. Once the audition due date has passed or a Content Creator has closed an audition, it will move to the “Finished” tab on your “My Submissions” page.

Yes. This can be done through the messaging functionality on your “My Submissions” page. By clicking on the “Messages” column, a pop-up will appear where you can communicate directly with the Content Creator who posted the audition and be able to attach a new sample to the messages you send. You can also access your audition messages by clicking on the envelope icon in the global navigation bar. Note that you will be able to submit additional samples only if the audition is still active.

Within the audition, send a message to the Content Creator to see if they received it. You can also resubmit your audition sample via our messaging functionality or go into the “My Submissions” tab in the global menu to also check to see if the audition sample appears.

You are able directly message the Content Creator who posted the audition from the audition page.

Ahab does not have a standard or minimum rate per finished hour. It is up to the individual Content Creators who post jobs on Ahab to set rates. If a Content Creator is interested in hiring you after an audition, they will individually offer you a rate. Negotiation happens outside the Ahab system over email.

After a Content Creator has offered you a role, the offered rate will appear under your “My Offers” tab. Content Creators might choose to add rates when posting an audition, but this is not required information. If you see a role that interests you that does not have a rate listed, we recommend you reach out to the Content Creator for more information.

Yes. This will happen outside of the Ahab platform when you or your agent is communicating directly with Content Creators.

Content Creators have the ability to send you a general message, but they must initiate this type of conversation.

There are two types of messages you can send on Ahab: general messages and audition messages. Audition messages are tied to a specific audition and the thread is started when Talent submits an audition sample. Talent can upload new samples to audition messages. General messages are initiated by Content Creators clicking the message button on a Talent profile. General messages are intended for Content Creators to have a way to ask Talent specific questions.

No, Talent are not able to message Agents.

If you have not logged into your profile since May 2020, please be aware that we increased the number of fields that are required. When logging in, please check that you have filled out everything required to make your profile visible to Content Creators. Additionally, the “Biography” and “General Knowledge” fields are now limited to 1,000 characters. Please review these fields to make sure your information fits. The following fields are now required for your profile to be visible to Content Creators: • Gender • City • Country • Audiobooks Recorded • Primary Language • Two samples

Please make sure that you have filled in all the fields listed in the question above. If you are still having trouble, please email CustomerService@AhabTalent.com.

Yes, due to a change in the way the new site displays awards, we are not able to move this information from the old site to the new. Please make sure to update this field. Also, “Biography” and “General Knowledge” are now limited to 1,000 characters. Please review these fields to make sure your information fits.

Content Creators often consider several factors when casting projects, including language and accent abilities, samples, audition submissions, cultural background and gender. While all of these factors are legally allowed to be considered during hiring when the need for authenticity or realism might require someone of a particular cultural background for an acting role, sharing information about your cultural background is not required.

You are able to select more than one ethnicity. Feel free to add as many to your profile as you need.

Clicking the check box next to “I can do editing at home” would signify that you are comfortable editing to a professional level. For audiobooks specifically, this would signfy you’re comfortable editing an entire audiobook.

Content Creator Questions

A project is the overall recording you are working to cast that can have multiple roles or a single role. Roles are linked with an audition so you must first create a role within your project in order to begin casting Talent on Ahab.

Yes. There is no limit to the number of auditions you can run for casting a role. You can designate each audition as public or private.

Yes. Ahab does allow Content Creators to invite Talent to a public audition. The invited Talent will get an email notification that they have been invited to your audition.

The audition will expire on the date you set as the audition due date. You can stop an audition at any time before the due date by clicking on the “Stop Audition” button found on the “Audition Details” page. If you do not stop an audition, it will expire for Talent on the Due Date you set.

Think of Top Candidates as a short list of talent you will most likely hire for any given role. You can add Talent to your Top Candidates list for any role in three ways through the “Audition Submissions” page: by name, from a Talent profile, or through search results. To add Talent to Top Candidates you will have to pick a specific clip, either from their profile or from an audition.

No. You can immediately designate Top Candidates long as you create a project and a role within that project. If you do not host an audition, the samples you will be picking will come from the Talent’s profile.

To add a Talent to Top Candidates from their profile, choose a specific sample and click the three dots on the righthand side of the sample. There you will see an option to “Add to Top Candidates” and you will be able to further specify the correct project and role.

No. Click the “Edit Audition” button within your finished audition and move the Audition Due Date into the future.

You can. Submissions and audition messaging are open until you mark a project “Done.”

Yes, Talent can submit multiple audition samples for the same audition using the audition messaging feature. You will be able to see and play all samples they submit on the audition screen.

The search talent bar is a global tool within Ahab that uses key words to filter through Talent profiles on our site. Casting for a project about a very specific topic? Try searching for a related phrase in the search bar. You might find someone with the exact knowledge you are looking for!

Primary languages are languages that the Talent speaks natively (they can choose more than one). Language fluencies are any other languages in which they are fluent .

The easiest way to remove search filters is to use the reset button at the top of the filters column. This will remove all filters at once.

The easiest way to do this is to click the message button on a Talent’s profile, which will bring up a messaging window. You can also see all of your message threads by clicking on the envelope icon in the global navigation bar.

There are two types of messages you can send on Ahab: general messages and audition messages. Audition messages are tied to a specific audition and the thread is started when Talent submits an audition sample. Talent can upload new samples to audition messages. General messages are initiated by Content Creators clicking the message button on a Talent profile. General messages are intended for Content Creators to have a way to ask Talent specific questions.

General messages with Talent must be initiated by Content Creators.

Yes, you can create general messages with agents to ask questions about their clients. General messages with agents can be initiated by Content Creators or by agents.

It’s currently not possible to search for agents on the site. To see an agent profile or message an agent you must click on their picture on a Talent profile. (If no picture appears and the agent’s name does not link to a profile, that agent does not have an Ahab account). Once you have started a message chain with an agent you will be able to access the conversation from the Messages window.

Your profile will be visible to Talent and agents, but not other Content Creators on the platform. While Talent and agents are not able to search for Content Creators, once you send them a message or respond to a public audition, they will be able to see your profile. (Talent will also be able to click into your profile if you have invited them to a private audition.) Talent and agents can view all of the information on your profile as well as how many public and private auditions you currently have open. Details about your current open public auditions will appear on your profile, but Talent and agents only have access to the number of private auditions you are currently running.

At the moment, you can share samples, talent profiles, and Top Candidates, but two Content Creators cannot collaborate on the same list or project.

Absolutely. For individual samples found on a Talent profile, download the relevant samples and email them directly to the interested party. To share a sample from an audition, you will need to add the Talent who submitted the audition to Top Candidates and then click the “Share List” button, which will bring up an Ahab-generated email form where you can insert shareholders’ emails and write a brief message.

For privacy reasons, you can only share Talent profiles with Content Creators or agents that have Ahab accounts. You can either copy the URL from Talent profile or from the Ahab Talent Search, click on the three dots to the right of the “Invite to Audition” button to share talent profiles. This will copy the URL to your computer and you can then embed it in an email

No, you do not have to create an audition to send an offer. Offers are linked to Top Candidates. In order to send an offer, you must have created a project and role and selected Top Candidates within that project and role. Once a candidate has been designated as a Top Candidate you will be able to send them an offer. You do not have to run an audition to select Top Candidates.

Within Top Candidates, click the “Send an Offer” button next to your chosen Talent’s name. A screen will pop up where you can fill in details about the project and the specific offer. Once your chosen candidate has accepted your offer, please mark them “Hired” within your project.

When you add someone to Top Candidates, a button will appear indicating if any offers sent will go directly to the Talent or if it will go through an agent.

This is something you must input manually by clicking the “Mark as Hired” button. This can be done even after the offer has expired.

If the actor or agent provided their contact information when rejecting the offer, feel free to follow up with them outside Ahab for more information. Please return to your Top Candidates to offer the job to someone else, or to Ahab Talent Search to consider other candidates.

Yes. After you send an initial offer, you can resend your offer by clicking the “Resend Offer” button.

Yes. At any time after an offer has been sent to Talent, you have the option to cancel your offer. You will see the option to cancel by clicking on the three dots by the talent name under Top Candidates. This will generate an email that will be sent to the Talent or their agent.

Agent Questions

Agents can invite clients to create their own profiles on Ahab. Once they do so, they will appear on your client list in Ahab. (Please note: individuals must be 18 years or older to have a profile on Ahab.)

If your clients already have profiles, ask them to update their profile settings and add you as an agent. The email they provide for you must match the one you used to create an Ahab account. Once they do so, your profiles will be linked.

Ahab links Talent and agent profiles using the agent’s email address. If you sign up with a different email than a client has listed for you on their profile, the link between you will not be created.

They will show up on your account as a client and Content Creators will be able to access your agent profile from their Talent profile.

If you are trying to link your profile to one of your clients and it is not working, it is likely because your client has not filled out all the required fields on their Talent profile. Encourage them to complete their profile.

The Hidden tab is a space for you to designate any clients that you do not want Content Creators to be able to view on your profile.

Click on the three dots in the top righthand corner of a Talent card. Click “Hide Client.” This can be undone at any time. Clients automatically default as visible on your profile and you will actively have to hide them if you would like anyone to not appear associated with your profile.

Talent have the option to have Ahab communication go directly to them or to go through their agent. If they have elected to be contacted directly you will not see offers that go to them.

Agents have access to view all public auditions on the Audition page. If there is an audition you would like to send to a client, click the “Invite to Audition” button on the audition listing and type in the name of your client and your message. Your client will then get a notification urging them to submit an audition.

You will be able to see all of the offers for your clients who have elected to have communication go through you on your Offers tab. Negotiation will happen outside of the platform.

To share your profile with a Content Creator, please click on the grey arrow by the “Edit Profile” button on your profile. Your profile is viewable only by Content Creators with Ahab accounts.

Your profile will be visible to your clients and Content Creators. Content Creators are able to see all of the information on your profile as well as your list of visible clients. Your clients can see your profile information, but not your list of visible clients.

Agents are only able to see the Content Creator profiles if the Content Creator is hosting a public audition. Click on the Content Creator’s photo to access their profile.

The easiest way to do this is to click the message button on a Talent’s profile, which will bring up a messaging window. You can also see view all your message threads by clicking on the envelope icon in the global navigation bar.

There are two types of messages you can send on Ahab: general messages and audition messages. Audition messages are tied to a specific audition and the thread is started when Talent submits an audition sample. Talent can upload new samples to audition messages. General messages are initiated by Content Creators clicking the message button on a Talent profile. General messages are intended for Content Creators to have a way to ask Talent specific questions.

General messages with agents can be initiated by Content Creators or by agents.